2025-2026 Registration (New Students)

2025-2026 Registration (New Students)

Required School Entry Documents

Completing and submitting all required documents promptly during registration will ensure that your child can begin the school year successfully and without any unnecessary delays. If you have any further questions, please contact the academy in which your student will be attending. The registration for your new student must be submitted by May 1, 2025.

 Additional Documentation (if applicable) 

  • Photocopy of current IEP (for students receiving special education services)
  • Photocopy of current 504 Plan (for students receiving special education services)
  • Photocopy of Court Order

If you have any questions please contact the academy office that your student will be attending. 


Performing and Fine Arts Academy: (916) 928-5353 / [email protected]

Early College Academy: (916) 928-5343 / [email protected]

Leading Edge Academy: (916) 928-5353 / [email protected]

Star Academy: (916) 928-5316 / [email protected]

PACT Academy: (916) 419-3788 / [email protected]