Attendance » Attendance


Attendance Overview

Attendance plays a major role in the success of each and every student. Missing school (even excused absences) can directly impact a student's academic achievement. 

Absences add up. Just missing two days per month in grades TK-8 means that a student will have missed an entire year of school by the time they hit high school.


Research shows that school absences take a toll on grades and performance on standardized tests. Beyond test scores, irregular attendance can be a predictor of high school drop-out, which has been linked to poor labor market prospects, diminished health, and increased involvement in the criminal justice system. Students who are chronically absent are at higher risk for these adverse outcomes. (Council of Economic Advisers)

It is important that your child attends school everyday on time. If you are having issues with your child's attendance, we are here to support you and your family. For more information, click HERE.

California Compulsory Attendance Law

In California, it is the law that all children between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school full-time, everyday schools are in session. To view the California Education Code, click HERE.

Truancy and Unexcused Absences

A student becomes truant when she has missed any combination of 3 or more full-days of school, class periods, or is 30-minutes late to class without a valid excuse. If a student becomes habitually truant, she may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). For an in-depth look at our truancy flowchart, see below.

NCS Attendance Flowchart

For a more detailed look at the Natomas Charter School Attendance Policy, click HERE